Greeting cards
Harness the power of the personal, handwritten card. The flood of advertising has shifted almost 100% from our traditional to our online mailbox. The only thing that “still” comes by mail, if at all, are invoices. This is exactly what you need to exploit in order to remain positively in the memory of your customers. It doesn’t have to be Christmas or Easter. Surprise your customers whenever you want with a personal greeting.
Application statement - best practice
So simple and yet many brokers find it difficult – to send a simple greeting card for the well-known holidays. Take this opportunity to surprise your valued contacts with a handwritten Easter card. Keep in mind that Easter is the festival of joy and therefore Easter greetings should convey this cheerfulness. A pleasant side effect: with this action you will be positively remembered by the recipients. The cards with various Easter subjects are now ready in the store!
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