Broker image brochure
In order to leave a positive and lasting impression on the customer after the first contact, a personal broker image brochure is essential. We have already structured your image brochure to suit the target group and partially filled it with texts. It is now up to you whether, in addition to adding individual images, you also want to write all the text yourself so that your unique personality comes into its own. This image brochure will give you a highly professional appearance with the least amount of effort and in the shortest possible time.
Application statement - best practice

A real estate agent lives from customer contacts. The more qualified contacts he can collect and manage, the greater his success rate will be. The image brochure is the heart of your own company. MY VIVENDA has already done the preliminary work! The name and logo are prominently displayed on the front page. With an expressive and memorable photo on the front page, the reader’s curiosity should be aroused. The other pages create space for a personal description of the person and the services as a broker. Furthermore, specific market cultivation strategies and competencies should be described. It is rounded off with personal awards and customer feedback, which creates trust. The image brochure should present the company from its best side and emphasize its unique selling propositions. The focus should always be on customer benefit and its added value.

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