More listings with the MY VIVENDA Trojan concept. Use the power of astonishing customers and position yourself uniquely in your market. A structured approach in combination with our mostly ready-made document templates guarantees successful purchasing.
Application statement - best practice

Addressing customers directly is not easy for many brokers. In addition, numerous competing brokers pounce on the private seller of the property immediately after an online advertisement has been placed. For many, this means that because other active brokers are pushing ahead and you don’t like to make calls yourself, you refrain from contacting the self-seller in the first phase. This carries the risk that he sells himself – and often at a bad price – or that the competition gets the job. New, unique ways and means must be found and used to address the private real estate seller as directly, promptly and memorable as possible. This is the only way to convince them of the benefits of the right broker’s service. With the use of the Trojan brochure developed by MY VIVENDA, two intermediate goals are achieved: firstly, a high level of attention and secondly, a very professional appearance. This differentiates you from other brokers and creates the basis for an initial qualified discussion and the building of trust.

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